Sunday, August 9, 2009


Lately, I have been thinking of things that do not matter at all. Not all of them individually, but the collective group of things. Why do they not matter? Why do the "big" things matter instead? I looked up the definition of trivial and found it interesting. This is what I found:

Trivial [Latin trivilis, ordinary (from trivium, crossroads)]
1. Of little significance or value.
2. Ordinary; commonplace.
3. Concerned with or involving trivia.
4. Biology Relating to or designating a species; specific.
5. Mathematics
a. Of, relating to, or being the solution of an equation in which every variable is equal to zero.
b. Of, relating to, or being the simplest possible case; self-evident.

I first noticed that the different definitions are contradictory. Specific and commonplace seem opposite, and self-evident and of little value do not quite equate. Of course, they do not have to mean the same thing in different contexts, but if you look at the root of the root, crossroads, you wonder how we possibly got to of little value.

Being at the Crossroads is a very interesting place to be. Which way do you turn, which way leads to where you need to be? Is it it better to turn around and head back to where you have begun? The more roads that cross the harder to choose, until you freeze. I picture a dusty reddish scene with no trees or buildings in sight...the road may be yellower and packed down harder, but as you walk it slowly returns to the color of everything around you and you are standing in the middle of nowhere with the sun beating overhead...which way to you go...which is better...which the "right" way? Is the choice trivial? Is it of little significance or is self-evident?

I am still standing there waiting for the answer, thinking about the commonplace curiosities of this world, like why my nails are so white and hard (and I don't care) while others strive to make theirs look like mine (and care too much), or why I want the kitchen clean so much that I will clean up other people's messes (knowing they do not care if it is clean and while caring myself more about doing the job well and not that a clean kitchen is more desirable) or why people are in such a hurry as they speed along the road (what is it that they care about?) or why people look at me strangely when I carry an open umbrella while the sun is shining (why do they care that I do not conform to their norm?).

These "trivial" things are so much more engrossing to me than wondering if god exists...I am so tired of that question. I would not live my life any differently...I would not find more meaning to my life...because I know that meaning is not external. It is easy to ask for meaning to be bestowed upon you from something you believe has the power to do so, but it is a challenge to create it yourself from something that NO ONE gave you. Everyone is trying to tell you how to define meaning, albeit inadvertently, and I want them to hush...

As I relinquish my beliefs about meaning and how things are supposed to I stop identifying with these beliefs...while retaining them in my bag of tricks...I am trying to figure out what I have left. Some quote from a commercial went something like, "without dreams or beliefs you cannot act." I tried to imagine a Buddhist...letting go of thoughts...and I thought I knew why they stayed sitting in meditation for so long...because what else do you do? Meditation seems appealing but also like an escape from the feeling of what do you do with yourself in this life!? So I am still trying to do something...act even without a belief about what I should do. It is harder than it sounds.

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