Friday, February 12, 2010

The Other Woman

Tonight was my night. My night to relax and indulge, to wear sweatpants and unhook my bra, and to feel happy. After my long and harried week, all I wanted for this Friday night was a movie, Chinese take-out and a few good glasses of wine. Leaving work tonight was more than a relief. it was utter elation...and I have never enjoyed being able to have free time more.

I decided I needed a bottle of wine when I was almost was a carefree decision, an I-deserve-it moment. I went to my neighborhood wine store, Ken and Norm's Liquor, and as I was looking for a good cheap wine with a pretty label...resigning myself to succumb to the advertising schemas. A British bloke was on the phone near me...and the conversation was very audible, albeit not memorable! It amused me for sure, and his accent was melodious. i thought he was a customer, but when he hung up his phone he came and asked me if he could help me select a wine. I had just decided I wanted a menage-a-trois blended red and said as much. he pointed out three or so bottles and exposed on their virtues without recommending any one. next to the first selection, was a bottle that caught my eye. It was the outline of a nude, kneeling woman's back with her hands upraised. It was beautiful in its sensuous simplicity...the name was The Other Woman.

It is a beautiful wine, and the bottle will be even more enjoyable as apartment decoration later.

Tonight, I was the other woman...the other woman from who I have been this week, from who I know I can be on rare occasions.

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